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I offer you ideas for movies or books that can help you, soothe your sadness and better understand life after death

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Geneviève Delpech - See you again

Michel left in the white light. This illness which was to take him away, Geneviève, his wife had seen it. Like so many other flashes, visits, omens, because since childhood she has had the gift... Geneviève "sees" invisible things. Faced with the absence of the love of her life, she welcomes the signs, perceives their messages. A flock of wild geese, a few words he whispers to her, in the evening, near the ponds... He was her harmony. She finds him and they talk, despite death...

Native American Prayer

To those I love and those who love me

When I'm no longer here, let me go,
Let me go,
Because I have so much to do and see.
Don't cry when you think of me.
Be grateful for the beautiful years
During which I gave you my love.
You can only guess,
The happiness you brought me.
I thank you for the love that each of you has shown me.
Now, it is time for me to travel alone.
For a short time you may feel sad.
Confidence will bring you comfort and consolation.
We will only be apart for a while!
Let the memories soothe your pain !
I'm not far away and life goes on!
If you need it, call me and I will come!
Even if you can't see me or touch me, I will be there.
And if you listen to your heart, you will clearly feel
The sweetness of the love that I will bring.
And when it's time for you to go,
I'll be there to welcome you.
Absent from my body, present with God.
Don't go to my grave to cry,
I'm not here, I'm not sleeping,
I am the thousand winds that blow,
I am the sparkling snow crystals,
I am the light that crosses the wheat fields,
I am the gentle autumn rain,
I am the awakening of the birds in the calm of the morning,

I am the star that shines in the night.
Don't go to my grave to cry,
I'm not here, I'm not dead.

Charlotte Newashish-Flamand
Les arbres forestiers



George (Matt Damon) is an American worker with a special relationship with the afterlife.

On the other side of the planet, Marie, a French journalist, comes close to death and sees her existence turned upside down. Losing the person closest to him, Marcus, a young boy from London, plunges into an abyss of questions. In their quest for truth, their lives intersect, forever transformed by what for them exists or should exist in the other world.


Valérie Sallée - The Mysteries of the AFTERLIFE.

One day, when she is an adult, Valérie discovers her abilities as a medium. At the dawn of fifty, she comes into direct contact with her guides and deceased people. Gradually becoming aware of her abilities, she realizes that she has the ability to help wandering souls towards the light.
Through mediumistic dialogue, she provides evidence of an invisible world. A poignant and hopeful testimony that affirms this truth: there is a reality on the other side of the veil. Death is not an end but the beginning of another life

Le coucher du soleil
Bibliothèque circulaire
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Christine André- Listen, you need to know

An exceptional medium tells us everything about life after death.
What happens after our last breath? Where are the souls who have left Earth going? What if death was just the beginning of a new journey and opened us to unlimited potential?
A medium since childhood, Christine André shares in this book the messages she receives from her father from beyond. Thanks to intuitive writing, she channels celestial teachings to help us evolve on our path of incarnation.
Upsetting, filled with powerful vibrations, this soul-to-soul communication makes us think about the meaning of our life and your way of relating to others. Essential messages to see death differently and achieve our life mission


Valérie Seguin - The 3 and a half days after my father's death.

During the 3 and a half days following the death of her father, Valérie Seguin had a disturbing experience: she felt wonderfully peaceful, as if he were at her side.
A moving testimony that answers questions that concern us all. How to prepare to die? And what can we say to our loved ones to help them “die well”

Rivière entourée de forêt
Livre à couverture rigide


Reynald Roussel -The man who spoke with the dead

After their death, our loved ones continue to watch over us. For more than thirty years, Reynald Roussel has forged links with this invisible world of death. To help people grieve the loss of loved ones, he learned, as a medium, to listen to what the spirits of the deceased have to transmit to us.
In this book, he answers the questions we ask ourselves about the afterlife, about what the dead tell us and about the world of the paranormal. His testimony opens the door to another reality, a beyond which appears through dreams or signs. It deciphers these signs, delivers messages from our deceased loved ones, and brings comfort and hope: no, death is not an end...


      Evelyn Elsaesser             

   Spontaneous contacts with a deceased

A scientific investigation attests to the reality of VSCD.

​Throughout the pages, you will discover the results of the largest international scientific investigation ever carried out on the phenomenology and impact of subjective experiences of spontaneous contact with a deceased person (VSCD). This survey, in which more than 1000 people participated, offers us an in-depth understanding of the circumstances, the nature and the consequences of these experiences, both beautiful and consoling, lived by a large number of people, and in particular the bereaved.

The survey attests to the beneficial effect, in the mourning process, of contacts apparently initiated by the deceased with their loved ones. They then perceive a desire to inform them of their existence on another level, but also to show them their support and their love.

Champs de lavande en Provence
Belle nature



At 17, this talented musician found love and saw a bright future smiling down on her. Then suddenly, there's an accident... The teenager will be torn between the desire to join her parents in the afterlife and the desire to wake up to find her boyfriend



Based on an INCREDIBLE TRUE STORY Don Piper dies when a tractor-trailer hits his car. Pronounced dead at the scene, Don is brought back to life 90 minutes later with the help of a pastor's prayers. He becomes a living miracle, but at the cost of great physical and emotional suffering. With the support and love of his wife, Eva, and their children and friends, Don will fight to get back to the life of yesteryear. Based on the incredible true story of the Piper family, this story is a tremendous breath of hope.

La nature
La nature sauvage


Lionel Broucksaux - When the beyond speaks to us

Sensitive since his early childhood to phenomena that escape ordinary mortals, Lionel Broucksaux recounts in this story the discovery of his gifts, inherited from his ancestors, and the long journey that led him to become a therapist. As an adult, a victim of depression, he understood that it was time for him to recognize his mediumship and put himself at the service of others.

Its objective: allows us, by accessing messages from beyond, to overcome the evils that affect us and to discover our true resources. To finally live our life.




Chantal Dubourdieu

Because Love continues..

Chantal and Serge formed a close couple whose intense love, nourished by sharing and complicity, lasted three years. This is why the death of Serge, which occurred in a few weeks as a result of devastating brain cancer, was an incredible shock....

In this book, the author reveals to us, through her testimony, in what form our beings loved ones come forward to bring us proof of their survival, but also how to find the strength to live - and love - since life goes on....

Boue vaporisante naturelle
Pissenlit Parachute semences


Just Like Heaven.

When David moves into his new apartment, all he wants is to be alone. But a charming young woman, Élisabeth, mysteriously enters the premises, and claims to be the legitimate occupant... until she disappears right before her eyes. He is convinced that he is dealing with a ghost... she is certain to be alive. David and his "host" end up resolving their differences and decide together to elucidate the mysteries of this disappearance...


Alexandre Grigoriantz

They are linked to the invisible

A disturbing coincidence, a dazzling intuition or a strong presentiment? Many of us see the signs of invisible forces that defy time and space. Alexandre Grigoriantz met fascinating people who, having a close connection with these unexplained forces, discovered exceptional gifts: mentalism, out of body, prophetic tales, extraordinary healing, remote vision, telepathy...


Descendants of ancient shamans, druids or sorcerers, these magicians of our time put their powers at the service of others and have in common the fact that they have undergone a profound metamorphosis of their personality following physical or emotional trauma.

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